Monday, November 20, 2006

model citizen award: gabriella horn

so i read this article in the ny post yesterday (yes the post is crap but i justlove page 6). and it made me laugh out loud. it was about three guys in washington square park who threw a thousand dollars worth of cash to crowds of people and the chaos that ensued...
the best part of the article were the quotes from the witnesses:

"i had to fight for my free money," said caraballo. "but I got it in the end."

and this one was great...

"i think i may have stepped on a kid," said gabriella horn, 26, a student at parsons, "and a poor one at that."
look... i realise you're a student and therefore broke so i cant blame you for stepping on impoverished children for a few measly bucks. hell i'd do it for free... but next time don't tell the post about it and if you must don't give out your name.

ironic that the reasoning behind this jackass stunt was that they wanted people to "have a little more common courtesy towards their fellow human beings,"

the Model Citizen Award goes to: Gabriella Horn... keep your eye on the prize and never give up the fight no matter how many poor kids you step on along the way. in the words of fellow parsons-ite tim gunn... "carry on!"

bucks drop here

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